新闻 & 事件

完整的校园学习计划- 2021年4月

It has been just over a year since our world changed dramatic所有y as the COVID-19 pandemic hit our region. 从那以后发生了很多事情, 包括mg冰球突破试玩网站采用远程学习和, 最近, a hybrid schedule that has not 所有owed our students to be on campus together in over a year.
While these changes were necessary to keep our community safe, 在一个完美的世界, 这不是mg冰球突破试玩网站想要的. 随着时间的推移, we have added sm所有 pieces to our school operations in ways that made sense to keep our students engaged, 所有 with a vision to eventu所有y bring 所有 students back on campus five days per week.  
We commend our students and colleagues for their flexibility, 创造力, 并努力在不断的学习和成长. The pivot to new ways of learning for our school was abrupt but a high level of instruction continued. We are also proud to say that we cared for one another and we are aware of no instances of on-campus transmission of COVID-19. That is an incredible statement and one borne from our partnerships with one another, 学校和家, to ensure that our students and colleagues could remain healthy.
随着天气好转, 继续为mg冰球突破试玩网站的同事接种疫苗, and the easing of restrictions in Philadelphia and across the region, mg冰球突破试玩网站可以看到隧道尽头的光明. mg冰球突破试玩网站已经计划好了,并且渴望带来 所有 mg冰球突破试玩网站的学生安全返回校园.
这个声明, we are pleased to report that 所有 students interested in on-campus instruction will be able to return to the Prep five days per week, 星期一开始, 4月12日. Students will also continue to be given the option to attend class in an 所有-virtual format if his parents elect for him to do so.



  • 筛查和接触者追踪

    We will continue to screen students and colleagues for COVID-19 symptoms using the same methods as we employ presently, and will continue contact tracing using the same methods as well. 这包括温度和症状检查, along with contacting students and colleagues who may have been exposed. We ask families for continued vigilance in keeping their sons home if any COVID-19 symptoms are present or exposures have occurred.
  • 安全/个人防护用品

    To accommodate larger class sizes that may result in a significantly larger on-campus student body, our six-foot desk spacing in classrooms will be reduced to a 最低 三英尺高. This reduction is supported by recent studies of virus transmission among school-aged children. Six feet or more of spacing will be maintained between students where feasible, and will be maintained between students and teachers at 所有 times. 随着间距的减小, 学生和老师将继续戴口罩, and may elect to wear  face shields either provided by the Prep or brought from home, 如果得到批准. We will continue to avoid scheduling large gatherings/assemblies where social distancing cannot be maintained.
  • 上午及下午交通

    We have developed a schematic for transporting students via Prep and District Buses. Students will be required to follow safety protocols on the buses, 包括继续使用口罩和防护盾(如适用). 开车上学的学生, 乘坐公共交通工具, carpooling and/or ride sharing should take the same precautions used to date. Prep busing in the afternoon will return to a departure time of 5:20 p.m.,而地区巴士将继续在下午2:45发车.m. Shuttles will continue to operate on the current schedule, from 2:45-6 p.m.
  • 课程表

    We have formulated an adjusted daily schedule similar to the Crimson/Gray Hybrid currently in use. 时间顺序包括每天四个70分钟的时间段, 两个四十分钟的午餐时间, 还有一个社区/会议/咨询期. The schedule also provides time for colleague meetings on Wednesday mornings and a later start time for the first class period of the day. 相应的, 只有A天(周期1A-1D), B天(周期1E-1H), 或Z天(星期三1A - 1D或1E - 1H). 您可以通过以下方式访问此修订后的时间表 点击这里. Some teachers will continue to teach remotely; on-campus students in those classes will employ Chromebooks and report to either a supervised classroom or common area as they do presently.
  • 食物服务和免费时段

    SAGE Dining will add staff to accommodate the anticipated larger numbers of students. Forty-minute lunches are 20 minutes longer than our normal schedule, and we will be able to provide food service rapidly yet safely. Students will still maintain social distancing while eating but the desks now in common areas will be replaced by tables; students will be encouraged to eat outside, 在可能的情况下, 如果天气允许的话. The Plaza Lot will be closed to automobile traffic to accommodate this increased outdoor eating. Students will use common areas for free periods as they do presently.
  • 清洁协议

    将继续加强清洁协议. 特别是, the enhanced cleaning that typic所有y occurs during the school day on Wednesday will occur each day after 3 p.m.
  • 体育运动

  • 选择参加所有校内或所有远程学习

    There will no longer be Crimson or Gray cohorts determining which students attend on campus, only rotating A or B days (with Z day time order possible on Wednesdays). Each family must choose on campus learning five days per week, or remote learning five days per week. Parents/Guardians must choose their son’s option by completing 这个简短的表格. The form must be submitted for each student by Thursday, April 8. 
再一次。, we ask that 所有 families continue to be vigilant in helping to prevent instances of COVID-19 on campus. 如果学生表现出与COVID-19相关的症状, we ask that his parents opt for remote instruction while he remains in quarantine.
We thank you for your patience and partnership during this school year. While we continue to pray for 所有 who have suffered during this pandemic, we also look forward to having our campus bustling once again!